Sunday, November 7, 2010

Style Spotlight: SWINTON

In light of my recent post on the awesomeness of Helena Bonham Carter, and because awesome ladies usually wear some awesome clothes, I'd like to start a recurring post on such a thing.

A few days ago the world celebrated the birthday of one Tilda Swinton:

Photo found here
I'm pretty sure if you look up fantastic in the dictionary, ol' Swinny  here would be the photo. LOOK AT HER.  She's wearing a giant black velvet curtain, and she is OWNING that shit.

I remember that Conan O'Brien made a joke about her playing him in a Conan biopic, and you know what her reaction was? "Yes, yes, yes, absolutely!"

She is unafraid to play interesting and controversial characters, and she is one fine actress.  Lady is also in an non-monogamous relationship (husband and boyfriend) and talks about it openly, giving those who look up to celebrities a great representation of a "non-traditional" family and relationship structure.

Happy Birthday Tilda! You look fantastic.

Photos found here, here and here

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